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In the past few years, ShiftPixy believes there has been an increase in the percentage of part time jobs which are advertised. Why are more businesses choosing to hire part time employees than ever before? Simply continue reading to discover some of the key factors behind the increase in popularity of part time jobs. Some of the key factors behind the growth in part time work: 1. There are a greater number of small businesses in operation who have a high demand for part time employees In the past, most

It is the year 2018, and you continue to smoke, huh? Don’t worry; it isn’t entirely your fault. The nicotine that the companies use is very strong, and unfortunately, addiction is a hard thing to overcome. There are plenty of reasons to stop smoking; the possibility of lung cancer, breathing problems, excessive money spent on cigarettes, and second-hand smoke. Even with all these negative consequences from smoking, the nicotine has you buying that extra pack and smoking one last time before you go out. You are not alone. One-quarter of

It’s almost that time of the year again. Easter is right around the corner. That means it’s time for Easter eggs, chocolate, and having fun with your kids. Speaking of which, you might be wondering about what you can do this year to make your children’s Easter extra special. This is a perfect time to make memories with your kids that they’ll cherish for the rest of their lives. So, let’s take a look at some fun activities that the entire family can enjoy this Easter. Scavenger Hunt: This is

Surgery is a traumatic experience for anyone. It involves cutting and often removing parts of the body under local or general anesthesia that will numb the body to what is occurring. When the person is recovering the body tries to both understand what has occurred and to heal itself from the conditions caused by the surgery. This is physical side. There is also a mental side attached to surgery. The fear, stress and anxiety are real issues that must be considered when the conversation is healing from surgery. For some

If you’re considering whether to purchase a traditional alarm clock or whether to rely on your smartphone, in order to wake you up each morning, continue reading to discover 5 reasons why you should opt for a reliable alarm clock over a smartphone alarm and how doing so can make you more successful and productive with your day. 5 Reasons why you should use a traditional alarm clock over a smartphone alarm clock: Your smartphone may run out of battery During the early hours of the morning you currently use

If you’re a self-confessed foodie and find that your jaw automatically drops when you see individual’s creative pieces of food art, it’s well worth experimenting with your own pieces of food art. If you’re on the hunt for a bit of inspiration, simply continue reading for a simple guide on how to make food art. How to make food art: Heart shaped watermelon pieces Simply use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut heart shaped pieces out of a slice of watermelon. Choose to serve your heart-shaped watermelon pieces in a

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