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Want to boost your earning potential? Click here to find out 10 types of online certification courses you can take to advance your career! Do you want a raise or promotion? Securing a higher salary is difficult if you don’t stand out from your fellow colleagues. To boost your salary in any industry, the key is furthering your education. Many certifications are transferable and make you more valuable to the employer. That doesn’t mean you need to go back to college or university. You can continue to work full time

Seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, is a condition that affects about 4 to 6 percent of Americans every year. Although some people are forced to deal with it at other times, the majority of them experience SAD in the wintertime. Depression is the most common symptom associated with SAD. But those who are diagnosed with SAD often experience everything from a change in appetite and weight gain to fatigue and anti-social behavior as well. There is, unfortunately, no surefire cure for sadness when it comes to SAD. But there are

Is your 9-to-5 job grinding you down? Are you ready for a sweet vacation adventure with some of your closest friends? Every year, more than 35 million people make the trek to Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world. It’s known for bachelor parties and wild nights, but there’s actually a lot more to the city than that. Las Vegas has great shopping, world-class dining, and top-tier entertainment. Why let the guys have all the fun? If you’re thinking of going to Vegas, this article’s for you. We’ll give

You blink your eye and your toddler is suddenly in the driver’s seat. Having a teen who’s starting to drive can be one of the scariest experiences you face as a parent. You want them to be prepared, safe, and responsible. However, they’re also a teenager. We know your top priority is keeping your teen healthy and safe. This article will teach you how to stay sane while your teenager is learning to drive. 1. Take the Keys out of the Ignition In order to feel more comfortable, you’re going

What if your big wedding plans are already “so yesterday?” Everyone knows that wedding trends change over time. In order to have an awesome and impressive ceremony, you need to know what is hot and trending right now. Not up to date on the hottest wedding news? Don’t worry: we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide that is good in both sickness and health to kick off 2019 in matrimonial style. Why Worry About Trends? We’ve prepared a really solid guide to seven of the hottest wedding trends that should be on

There are over 70 million baby boomers in the US today, making them the largest generation in American history. Since 2010, approximately 10,000 boomers are retiring every day and enrolling in the Medicare system. Yet many of these new members are surprised to find out that Medicare won’t cover every health care expense they may ever see. While Medicare has helped eligible seniors access many medical services from healthcare professionals, it’s important to know what Medicare doesn’t cover. If you are near retiring, read further to learn about what Medicare

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