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The longer you stay sober, the better your chances are of remaining that way. One study of over 1,000 addicts found that abstaining from drugs or alcohol for at least a year increases your chance of long-term success. In the study, approximately one-third of people who had been abstinent less than a year remained that way. But after a year of sobriety, less than half relapsed.  Those statistics are encouraging, but making the decision to get sober is still tough. But while those first days and weeks are difficult, you

Every year, the average American spends almost $10,000 on health care. That’s about twice as much as those in other developing countries spend. And unfortunately, all that spending leads to a lot of people being forced to deal with medical debt. If you don’t have a great health insurance plan or, worse, if you don’t have health insurance at all, it’s easy to rack up more medical debt than you can manage. Do you need help with medical bills? There are things you can do if you can’t afford to pay off the medical

  Let’s start with the definition of CBD oil. A lot of people must have heard the term, but have no clue what it is. The acronym is short for Cannabidiol. It is a popular natural remedy which people use to treat many illnesses. The ingredient found in the product is an extract of the cannabis plant. We all know that marijuana gets you high. However, the oil doesn’t have the same psychoactive approach. Furthermore, what is interesting about the liquid is that it helps to prevent pain in certain

My good friend Tatiana Kukanova always struggled with her weight, even when we were at high school together and she continued in this way throughout college. Eventually some friends and myself became concerned with her weight and so we planned an intervention to get her to take some action. This was a carefully planned intervention and something that we did with good intentions. We left it at that and then Tatiana went back to college for her final year. When she came back from college that year she had lost

What makes people travel? Presently, it is obvious that traveling makes a significant part of people’s lives. The airports are crowded, airline companies are opening new destinations and purchase new aircraft. Moreover, the number of private vehicles is increasing on a daily basis. Business and vacation trips have become an integral part of the present world. Indeed, with the expansion of the Internet, the need to travel in business or to visit relatives is not so essential. Besides, presently, so many things are available online. To get acquainted with someone,

If you have a loved one who suffers from drug or alcohol addiction, you’re not alone. In fact, one out of seven people in the United States will experience substance addiction in their lifetime. And, unfortunately, only ten percent of those addicts receive the care they need. Don’t let the people you love become a part of this devastating statistic. Connect them with a treatment center as soon as possible to start their journey to recovery. We understand that finding the perfect facility can feel overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’re here to

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