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If you are a contact lens wearer and live in Cape Coral, finding the right contacts can be tricky. Sure, there are tons of options, but living along the coast means that your options are more limited. Contacts are easily irritated when swimming in salty waters and can quickly become dried out with so much salt permeating the air. This is why it is important to do some research on Cape Coral contact lenses before purchasing a year’s worth of contacts. To get you started, here are the 3 main

Knowing when you ovulate is important. If you’re trying to get pregnant, identifying and even predicting when you’re next going to ovulate helps you to find the next time you need to try to conceive – your so called ‘fertile window’. Even if you’re not trying to conceive, knowing when you ovulate is valuable: it helps you to understand your cycle, and spot when it’s becoming irregular. This can happen due to stress, medical conditions and even as a side effect of medication you’re taking for unrelated reasons. Your whole

Mindfulness is now an increasingly used, understood, and effective practice. In a world where everything is instant, and everything is so non-stop; sometimes, it’s important to take a step back, and just switch off for a little while. However, you may still be unfamiliar with the concept of mindfulness – just know that it’s an incredibly powerful tool to help people tolerate and better understand their emotions in a way that is healthy and productive. Mindfulness can help us to change our habitual responses, by simply taking a pause to

So you have decided that surgery is the appropriate course of action for some injury or condition that you have. In your mind, you may recognize that there is an ideal way that the surgery will go, and an ideal result that the operation will have. Many people don’t think further than that though. Because at some point they should ask themselves the question of what to expect after the surgery is completed. There are several things to think about in these various perspectives. First of all, it’s vital that

A strong public speaking ability is a useful addition to anyone’s set of skills regardless of their industry. However, make no mistake about it. If your knees start to wobble and your voice starts to tremble at the very idea of grabbing a microphone, you’re not alone. Some of the greatest performers in history have battled with stage fright in their lifetimes. The key is learning the right tactics to overcome your fear. By using interactive techniques you will not only engage an audience, but even wow them. Here are

Most of us look in the mirror and wonder what we would like if our skin was just a little more olive toned, if our freckles weren’t so prominent, if our coloring was a little more even, or if we could lighten our appearance a little. Although there have been a range of remedies purported to lighten skin for centuries, from baths of milk to a facemask of urine, some may work a little while others are more likely to cause serious skin conditions if they have any effect at

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