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In the world of life insurance, there’s a saying that sales agents fall back on when they’re trying to explain the importance of a policy to a customer who isn’t getting it. They say that life insurance is like a fire alarm or a fire extinguisher. It’s something that you pay for in the hope that you’ll never, ever have to use it. Spending money on something that we hope we’ll never see the benefit of runs a little contrary to the standard human mindset, but it is true. Right

If you want to build a healthy investment portfolio, that will continue to appreciate in value and which will bring in dividends, simply continue reading to discover a few investment strategies that really work. One of the simplest investment strategies to follow is to aim to purchase stocks at a price that is lower than they are worth. So that when the cheap stocks which you purchase, increase in price again, you’ll be able to sell some of your shares for a profit. You’d be surprised at the number of

Technology has become an important part of our daily life. Every field is being imprinted by the fingerprints of innovations that researchers and developers are working hard to achieve. Over the last couple of years, various technological developments have made a lot of changes shaping the future of the medical world. Whether you take into account artificial intelligence, robotics, or nanotechnology, healthcare most certainly has exciting times ahead thanks to tech! The Concept of Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring Who would have thought that you won’t need to visit your doctor’s

Mindfulness is a psychological process of instantaneous recognition of our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. To put it simply, mindfulness is the ability to stay present at the moment. This process can bring you different emotions from happiness to sadness. The more mindful you are the less you get distracted from the present moment. At the same time, it is important to distinguish mindfulness from meditation. Unlike meditation, mindfulness is not a concentrated focus on the present. It is a way of living when we are able to stay aware of the present

There are numerous reasons to save money. Whether scary life scenarios or luxury vacations come to your mind, you’ll need more than just motivation and drive to reach your savings goals. Indeed, you’ll need to use proven tactics. That said, here are six must-know strategies for saving more money in 2020. 1. Track Your Budget and Plan Every Expense If you didn’t track your income and expenses each month in 2019, start making it a habit by doing so in January 2020. This is the only way to take full ownership of

Aging is an inevitable part of life and nothing to be ashamed about. However, there’s nothing wrong with trying to delay a few grey hairs and wrinkles here and there. Looking your best at any age is something that never goes out of style. The trick is knowing the right tips to not only look your best from the outside but feel your best inwardly too. Take a look at some of the most effective tips for looking younger. Invest In The Right Products As you get older, your skin

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