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Attention Parents: Be Aware of These 10 Warning Signs of Drug Use As a parent, you want to protect your child from anything that is going to cause them harm. One of those dangers you want to protect them from is drug abuse. Today, we want to help you by giving you a list of the common warning signs of drug use so you know what signs to look for if you suspect your child of drug use. As a parent, it’s likely that you’re concerned by the idea of

Everyone is talking about mindfulness lately, but what exactly is it? Read this to learn about the power of mindfulness and how it can change your life. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a magic cure-all for stress, depression, anxiety, pain management, and better focus? What about a remedy that could be applied anywhere, at any time, and in any situation? You might be thinking, ‘yeah, there’s a pill for that…’ but this is not a pill. It’s not actually magic, either. This wonderful cure-all that we’re talking about

Now that summer’s here, you’re probably looking for all the fun things to do. Most times, say the word “games,” and instantly, all the latest video games pop in your head that you can play using the newest of gadgets or simply cell phones, laptops, and PCs. But, think about it, and there are lots of fun games you can play with friends that don’t involve digital devices. Just in case your parents have been worrying about digital gadgets scrambling your brain, tell them that the newest studies published on

7 Ways to Support a Recovering Alcoholic It is never easy seeing a loved one go through something like addiction and sometimes we don’t know how to help. Here are 7 ways to support a recovering alcoholic. There are about 17 million Americans dealing with alcohol use disorder at this time. Additionally, about 10 percent of all Americans are currently recovering from a drug or alcohol problem. Those numbers suggest that you will, at some point, know a recovering alcoholic. You might even know one now and be doing your

From time to time, most people will realise that their income comes far short in covering all of their expenses. Sometimes, though covering all the basic expenses, most people are left with no disposable income to spend on other recreational activities. When you find yourself in such a scenario, it’s very important that you start looking for ways in which you can supplement your income otherwise you stand to allow stress to take over your life. Below are some of the proven and helpful tips that you can consider if

5 Tips for Staging a Successful Intervention Staging a successful intervention is no longer fodder for television shows – it’s a real life problem that millions of family members have to deal with. Here are 5 tips for staging a loved one’s intervention that urges the addict to get the help they need. An intervention for a loved one is never something one looks forward to doing. But, if put together right, the healing that it can produce can mean big things for your family and your troubled loved one.

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