Razor Bumps Got You Feeling Self-Conscious? Here are 8 Ways You Can Avoid Them


You decided to surprise your significant other by shaving… down there. Everything is looking smooth and great. You’re actually a bit proud of your work! 

The day comes and… oh no, no, no, no.

You’ve got a major case of razor bumps and it’s looking gnarly. Them seeing you makes it uncomfortable, you’re a bit self-conscious and embarrassed. Your little foray into being frisky didn’t pan out the way you wanted it at all.

Razor bumps happen with ease if you’re shaving wrong. This could be anywhere on your body from head to toe. Luckily, preventing them isn’t difficult if you have patience and the right routine.

In this post, you’ll learn not 1 or 2 but 8 awesome ways to handle these skin annoyances. Plus, a parting tip to everyone that gets embarrassed by little things like razor bumps.

S(h)ave Yourself Embarrassment: Slickest Tips for Dealing with Razor Bumps

Razor bumps — for those never having the privilege of the annoying things — are skin irritations. Hairs regrowing after a nice shave come in wrong causing an ingrown hair. This irritates the skin and reacts with little, red bumps.

Razor bumps are (often) harmless if you don’t have the habit of scratching and picking at them. This is difficult as the area turns itchy as the hair regrows.

Common areas razor bumps form include:

  • Neck
  • Legs
  • Groin

The tougher hairs and difficult dermal surfaces tend to get affected. The best thing is not causing them in the first place but there are lots you can do to manage them. Let’s dig into this list, shall we?

1. Trim, Trim, Trim, and Pre-Wash

Trimming the area will make the job easier as you have less to fight with. Grab a pair of scissors and start hacking at the bushy areas. Else, a pair of buzzers can make quick work of the area if they’re available.

Trimming means less work once you begin shaving. You’ll have a better view of the area, too, meaning you’re less likely to nick and cut the difficult spots.

Wash the area before going to work, too. This removes any dirt and grease that could make the hair removal difficult. The warm/hot water can soften the hair making it easier to trim and shave.

A quick splash of cold water before shaving can help, too. The cold water tightens the skin making it easier to work with.

2. Always Use a Fresh Razor

Feeling tempted to grab the closest razor you left in the shower? Don’t! A worn down razor doesn’t offer the sharp blades needed to shave effectively. The rough edges will irritate the skin and pull at hairs when shaving. 

When looking for a razor:

  • The more blades the better (3+)
  • Pick the flexible one to contour to your body
  • A lubricating strip makes for an easy job

You don’t have to get fancy and expensive with the razor. But, quality brands will show a difference than the dollar store selection. Use a new razor for the best finish else keep them clean between uses if you’re reusing them.

If you’re skillful then a quality single-blade razor can do a better job. This helpful post explains how a single-blade razor keeps the shave above the skin. By using the least amount of pressure you’re less likely to cause skin damage and irritation.

3. Give It Some Downtime

Resist the urge to shave the stubble!

Daily shaving irritates skin especially if you’re running a razor across bumps. Shave every other day to give your body some downtime. Better yet, try going at least 3 days between shaves so you have more to trim when it’s time.

4. Learn Your Anatomy

Spend time in front of a mirror and get to know your anatomy. You’ll discover the difficult nooks and crannies once you begin shaving. This lets you position yourself to reach the areas and get a smooth shave.

Pay attention to the direction of your hair, too! Use your anatomy lesson to note which direction your hair grows to avoid irritation. Shave with the direction of hair growth — not against the grain — to prevent razor bumps.

5. Be Gentle and Do It In One Go

Aggressive shaving puts unnecessary pressure on the skin causing bump-forming irritation. Instead, use minimal force when gliding the razor your area — and do it in one motion. Avoid shaving the same area more than once.

6. Do a Post-Wash Cleanup

Make this your routine after shaving:

  1. Give it a quick scrub with warm water and soap
  2. Rinse the area with cold water to close the pores
  3. Air or pat dry the area (no rough drying!)
  4. Apply after shave oils or gels to encourage healing

Give yourself an hour before showing off your new, baren bikini zone. 

7. Don’t Fiddle with the Bumps and Irritation

A rule about razor bumps and body hygiene: Don’t pick, scratch, or pop them.

Irritating the bumps opens the follicles and skin to infections. This makes the bumps more noticeable while expelling puss (like a pimple). Your scratching could scar the area, too.

Your shaven areas can and will get itchy as hair grows back in. Anti-itch cream can help further irritation caused by scratching. Diaper rash ointment provides a similar benefit to stop itching if you prefer. 

8. Try a Different Hair Removal Method

You’re not limited to using razors — consider:

  • Waxing
  • Threading
  • Laser removal

Pro hair removal will have someone inside your comfort zone but it’s a long-term solution. The hair takes weeks to regrow but will do so evenly. This means you’re less likely to get razor bumps and nasty in-grown hairs!

The Parting Tip We Promised

Razor bumps are one of an endless set of things we often feel uncomfortable about our bodies. We’re all so stressed about keeping up appearances and what others think. It’s hard but you do you!

Build the lifestyle you want without others holding you back. Feel great in your body by pampering it. Most issues go before they’re a problem especially with things like skin irritations.

Want more tips and tricks to a better you? See our lifestyle section! And, share this with someone you know going through a similar situation. 

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