Mindfulness is a psychological process of instantaneous recognition of our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. To put it simply, mindfulness is the ability to stay present at the moment. This process can bring you different emotions from happiness to sadness. The more mindful you are the less you get distracted from the present moment. At the same time, it is important to distinguish mindfulness from meditation. Unlike meditation, mindfulness is not a concentrated focus on the present. It is a way of living when we are able to stay aware of the present

Roger Wolfson has written speeches for presidential candidates, Senators, members of Congress and Governors. He also worked with former Senators Kerry, Liberman, Wellstone and Ted Kenney as a senate aide. Roger Wolfson gave this speech to honor a friend of his who died in the Twin Towers. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “There are no bystanders.” She meant that when an act of horror occurs, no one is innocent, because those who had the power to prevent the atrocity failed to act in time. But before we decide what our leaders

Have you ever dreamed of having a luxurious canopy bed? Many people have. But until you start considering it seriously, you many not think about the reality of how you’ll decorate your room with this type of bed. Here are the top 5 tips for decorating with a Canopy bed. 1. Consider your room size. Before you choose a canopy bed, it’s important to look at the size of room you’re putting it in. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a canopy bed in a small room. In fact, these

Going on a vacation is important for every person, family, or relationship. That’s because it’s easy to get into a routine that can leave us to feel drained or underwhelmed. Today, many understand that taking this time out is important for your well-being in both personal and professional life leading more people to take their much-needed vacations than ever. As a leader in the vacation industry, Quality Marketing Group knows how to provide the best trip for your preferences. One way that it’s been able to stay a leader in

  At the beginning of the Premier League season my buddy Marc Leder and I were breaking down our picks for what we thought may happen during the season. When it came to picking the 3 teams to be relegated, we had mixed selections but the one team which we both picked to go down was Sheffield United, we just didn’t think they stood a chance. The first couple of games were a real surprise as the Blades looked in really good shape and very well disciplined. As we have

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