5 Tips for Gardening in Small Spaces If you live in an apartment or have a small backyard, you may think you can’t garden. That’s not true! These five tips for gardening in small spaces will help you learn how. 40% of the land that covers the earth is used for agriculture. That’s a lot of land. And because of statistics like these, it might be easy to think that you need a ton of land to garden. And if you live in an apartment complex or a home with
How to Become an Influencer: 7 Simple Steps, Are you interested in becoming an influencer on social media? It can come with a lot of perks, but it takes a lot of work. Read more to learn how to become an influencer in seven simple steps. Good Trends results show that the interest in becoming an influencer has been growing for the past five years. That’s no surprise given that some celebrity influencers can earn up to $500,000 just for a single sponsored post. But you don’t need to be
How to Beat the American Education System Flaws While there are definitely American education system flaws in the modern US, there are things we can do ourselves or for our children to overcome these challenges. Learn how in our latest blog. It’s no secret that education is a foundational part of any child’s upbringing. Though we are fortunate to have access to public education in the United States, it is far from perfect. The American education system flaws are abundant, unfortunately. It takes a certain level of dedication to excel
If it is too hot where you are this summer, then you can look for a cooler place where there are plenty of activities to keep you busy. Consider these destinations for your next vacation. Destination 1: Alaska If you have always wanted to visit Alaska, then summer is the perfect time, and this region has short but cooler summers. The main reasons for visiting this state are to see its pristine wilderness where there are wild animals such as bears or moose. You can hire a local guide to
The Top 10 World’s Best Vacation Spots of 2018 Bit by the travel bug again? Here are the top 10 world’s best vacation spots for you to check out in 2018! Be sure to send us a postcard. Did you know that Americans spend almost an entire year of their lives dreaming about being on vacation? That’s right: you spend at least 284 days pining, searching, and yearning for a well-earned trip. If you suffer from a case of wanderlust, that number could be even higher. So, what’s keeping them