Between the hacking of Emmanuel Macron’s campaign for the French Presidency, the WikiLeaks publication of thousands of CIA documents, and the exposure of 198 million voter records by Deep Root Analytics in the US, 2017 was truly an annus horribilis for cyber security. With so many alarming, high profile attacks on some of the most secure institutions in the world, perhaps it was unsurprising when the World Economic Forum’s annual Global Risks Report listed cyber attacks among the highest risks facing the world today, right up there with weapons of

Owners of US trucking or transportation companies are aware that signs of inflation in freight-related industries are currently at historical highs. Many experts predict that demand for vehicles is skyrocketing, a sign that more often than not points to rising inflationary pressures. The silver lining for freight companies is that the load-to-truck ratio is rapidly climbing, as best illustrated by the sharp increase in demand for flatbed carriers on the spot market. This capacity crunch is seen as very good news for owners looking to increase their business. Despite the

10 Career-Related Reasons to Learn Spanish In many countries around the world, learning a second language is mandatory. Although it isn’t manditory in the United States, there are many reasons to learn Spanish. Today, we are going to talk about how learning Spanish can help you, career-wise. Most people take a language in high school for several years. But as soon as they graduate, they can’t remember a single word they learned. It’s daunting to learn a new language. And yet there are endless benefits to doing so. More and

Are you moving to a new home? You may also be thinking of replacing your old kitchen utensils. The kinds of home utensils you have in your kitchen have an impact on its look. When looking for the right utensils, there are factors you need to keep in mind. Here are some of the great tips you can consider when choosing the best from specialists in kitchens in Milton Keynes. Choose the utensils you need There are different types of kitchen utensils. However, it is wise to start your shopping

What Is Growth Hormone Therapy And How Can You Benefit From It? What is human growth hormone therapy? Right now, it might sound like something out of a SiFi movie, but this medical solution is available now. Medical scientists are experimenting with its range, and patients are benefiting. Could you be the right candidate for this type of therapy? Click here to learn more. Are you looking to boost your gym results? To lose weight? To feel better? To sleep longer? The answer might be growth hormone therapy. Human growth

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