Do you crave fresh tomatoes or spinach? You can easily grow your own vegetables. Here’s a vegetable planting guide specifically for beginners. Open any Advanced Gardner’s bookcase and you’ll find books upon books about gardening. Even the pros need help and guidance about what goes on under the soil. When it comes to needing a vegetable planting guide, beginning gardeners are in good company. There’s no shame in needing help, no one expects you to have growing seasons memorized off the bat! So, before you go planning your garden and

Some of the best past and present TV series have had a major effect on modern-day culture. Here’s a look back at a few of the greatest TV shows of all time. What do you think the highest-rated TV show of 2017 was? It was the Super Bowl with 111 million viewers, and it’s been the Super Bowl for some time now. In fact, sporting events like the Super Bowl are one of the view TV shows that can still attract massive viewer numbers in an era where there are

Taking care of your hair extensions the right way can give them a longer lifespan. Keep reading to learn about these best hair extension maintenance tips. Have you ever wanted to add length to your hair or put in a unique streak of color? Maybe you want to cover a bad cut or color? The sure-fire way to do this is with hair extensions. If you’ve already had hair extensions in the past, then you know it takes special tender love and care to keep them looking fabulous. If you’ve

Not all marketing campaigns work. Some of them fail to attract audiences. It is understandable that not all marketing efforts work. However, there are instances when the campaign turns out to be a major disaster. Instead of boosting the company, it does the opposite. The campaign damages the reputation of the company. Several businesses have experienced backlash over the years because of their marketing campaigns. It might be due to the insensitive campaign that they launched. It might also be because of some messaging issues. Others offended people unconsciously. Regardless

Oil drilling equipment has come a long way since its humble beginnings. We take a look at how oil drilling technology has evolved over the years. The United States alone uses around 20 million barrels of oil every day. Oil is so essential to how we live our lives that we often forget humanity’s effort to gather it in the first place. When we realized the value of oil, we came up with a number of ingenious ways to extract it and use it to our advantage. Oil drilling equipment

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