In construction, a preferred building technology makes use of conventional wooden frame walls to erect the structure. But another method is gaining attention because of the many benefits it brings to the resulting building. Using structural insulated panels (SIPs) instead of wooden frames has been around for many decades, but it is slowly being brought back into the mainstream, thanks to the greater focus given to erecting buildings with higher energy-efficiency. What does SIP construction mean? SIPs are made with two oriented strand boards with a built-in foam insulation
Traveling can be risky business. Any time you are away from your comfort zone, you will face a whole new slew of risks. Health concerns, scams, theft, a language barrier, natural catastrophes, political unrest, transportation scares – the list goes on. While you cannot prevent wars and tsunamis, you can take steps to ensure that you are a little bit safer while traveling. Check out these 7 travel safety tips to make sure you made it back from your next adventure in one piece. 1. Do Your Research Some
You love your daily run. The feeling of running down the road with the wind in your hair and the rhythmic beating of your feet on the pavement is indescribable. Only one thing can turn a great run sour, bad shoes! If you are looking for a great running shoe, Adidas could be your ticket. Recently, Adidas surpassed AirJordans, becoming the second most popular sneaker brand in the United States. Rumor has it, that Adidas is also cutting back the supply this year, so there will be less of each shoe style
Especially if you are looking for video cameras that are intended for professional use, it is important to look for a variety of advanced features, including those that will be mentioned below. They will ensure the best performance and quality, making it easy to create videos that are sure to be talked about. Many of the products with these features can be expensive, so you might want to consider video camera rental as an alternative to buying brand new. 4K Video Recording Gone were the days when 1080p is the
Did you know that only 4 in 10 Americans buy travel insurance for international trips? The excitement of your impending vacation abroad can leave you forgetting the important planning. What happens if you lose your passport? Or, what if you get injured while you’re away? It’s important to make sure you’ve got the best travel insurance to prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario. But, with so many different policies and companies, it’s not easy knowing which is the right one for you. So, check out our tips below to help you! 1.