U.S. credit card debt has hit an all-time high with Americans owing $870 billion on their credit cards. Getting your first credit card is a huge step towards building your credit history and solidifying your financial future. However, with great power comes great responsibility. While using your credit card is essential to building responsible credit, it’s all too easy to get into serious debt. Having a credit card makes it easier to buy things you can’t afford. Being financial savvy and making smart choices about how and when to use your
The average person spends 26 years of their life asleep. These 26 years in bed don’t include the countless hours we scroll on our phones, watch Netflix in our pajamas, or attempt to fall asleep. Our bed can be a very sacred space. It can be our area for relaxation or an intimate spot in our homes. Since we spend so much time in our bed, it’s important to pick out the best bed sheets. Most people think it’s all about thread count. While thread count is important, it’s not
Every year, the average American spends almost $10,000 on health care. That’s about twice as much as those in other developing countries spend. And unfortunately, all that spending leads to a lot of people being forced to deal with medical debt. If you don’t have a great health insurance plan or, worse, if you don’t have health insurance at all, it’s easy to rack up more medical debt than you can manage. Do you need help with medical bills? There are things you can do if you can’t afford to pay off the medical
Are you currently marketing your brand through solely digital means? You aren’t alone. Online marketing offers every business owner a cost-effective, powerful means of engaging with a wide audience. In fact, 83% of businesses think that digital marketing campaigns are helpful in reaching their goals. Yet if you are only focusing on online advertising, you may not be doing everything you can to engage with customers. It’s also important to pair your online marketing efforts with offline campaigns. In this post, we discuss offline marketing strategies you can use to supplement
It is tough looking for quality physicians. Although there are a lot of students taking up medicine and eventually receiving a medical license, a lot of them prefer private practice. They do not want to be employees of hospitals and other medical institutions. If you are running a hospital, it helps if you partner with a physician recruiter to make it quick for you to find the right person to do the job. These are the dos and don’ts as you decide to seek the services offered by these