Common Myths About Assisted Living Facilities

People have a lot of preconceived ideas about assisted living facilities, and they’re usually not very positive. This is often why they’re reluctant to send someone to those types of facilities even if they might be the better option for them. In truth, sending someone to an assisted living facility could be the best thing you do to ensure their safety and well-being. They might also appreciate being around people of the same age more than you think. You shouldn’t let myths and misconceptions stop you from going or sending someone to an assisted living facility as their lives might depend on it. Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths about assisted living facilities and the truth behind them.

Going to an Assisted Living Facility Will Make Them Feel Isolated

One thing that bothers people when they think about assisted living homes is the feeling that they will be “abandoning” their older parent or loved one. In reality, they might be feeling much more isolated right now if they’re living alone or with you. They might not say it, but seniors often feel uncomfortable in family situations. They don’t want everybody to stop what they’re doing because of them or have plans rearranged because they can’t keep up. They might feel a sense of guilt and withdraw themselves voluntarily to not affect people in the house, and you might only find out once you talk to them about it.

If you are afraid that your parents or loved one will feel alienated in an assisted living facility, then you should know that there are many types and some of them will put a lot of focus on social interactions. If you live in Pennsylvania and you’re looking for one like this, we suggest you check out these Brandywine assisted living PA facilities. They work very hard to create an inclusive environment where residents get to build true relationships. This could give your parent or loved one’s social life a welcome boost and it could work wonders on their morale.

Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities are One and the Same

This is probably one of the most widespread myths about assisted living facilities. It’s very important that you know that nursing homes and assisted living communities are very different even if they share some commonalities. While residents will get assistance for daily tasks like dressing and cleaning, nursing homes will go much further in terms of care. They are for people who have very serious illnesses and may be bedridden, while assisted living is better for people who still have most of their cognitive functions and can still move comfortably. So, don’t assume that there will be a nurse at your parents’ bedside 24/7 and that they will be confined to their beds.

Families Should Take Care of Elders

A lot of people feel like they must assist their elderly parents, but this is only true up to a certain extent. If you’re dealing with extreme stress from having to work and taking care of an elderly parent, then it could be better to send them to an assisted living facility for both of you.

Assisted living is a great option for any parent or elderly relative who needs a little bit of help with everyday tasks but still wants to maintain some freedom. Before you write them off, speak with the person in question and see what they think of assisted living first.


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