There will always be times when you need money fast, and you feel like you have nowhere to turn. You may be late on bills, or the holidays may be approaching and you may not have gifts. Whatever the reason, there will always be a time when you simply need more money. That’s where payday loans can help. The fact that there aren’t many payday loan qualifications means you can get money in your pocket quickly. And you will be able to keep your privacy, unlike with most lenders! Of course,
Canadian fintech Brim Financial, is a growing startup success story with big aspirations to expand globally. Brim’s founder and CEO, Rasha Katabi, launched the fintech in Toronto in 2015, inspired by the city’s international appeal. “Toronto attracts incredible talent from around the world because the city has so much to offer – everything from a bustling tech scene to world-renowned restaurants.” With such a diverse audience, Katabi couldn’t think of a better place for Brim’s corporate headquarters. From the beginning, Brim was specifically designed with a global mindset. Credit card
Being randomly selected for a drawing or a lottery couldn’t be a more exciting experience. Being selected for an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit? Well, that has quite the opposite effect. However, if you know the red flags commonly known to trigger tax audits, you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself from these audits. Here are a few tax audit triggers to look out for this year, based on the latest tax audit reviews. First, if you earn anywhere from $200,000 to a million dollars per year, you
In the latest news regarding email-triggered cyber scams targeting Americans, Optima Tax Relief’s experts advise American taxpayers and tax professionals to heed a recent statement issued by the IRS. In the official statement issued by the IRS and its Security Summit partners, the IRS is calling attention to a new national email cyber scam campaign that has the potential to put millions of Americans in jeopardy. These unsolicited emails generated by IRS imposters use the subject line of the email to capture the recipient’s attention, warning consumers of an
Business owners should take note of Optima Tax Relief’s review of the latest proposed and finalized tax law regulations released this month by the IRS. The updates to these regulations relate to the new 100% additional first year depreciation deduction, which allows for additional write offs that many businesses may be eligible to take advantage of. Once the new regulation updates go into place, following their publishing in the Federal Register, they will officially mark a series of new available business-tax write offs for depreciable business assets in the same
Understanding consumers today and the technological advances of our current generation is more important than ever before. Consumers expect ultra-convenient, mobile first and tailored experiences that match their needs at any given time. And these expectations carry into experiences with their financial institutions, but it’s proven to be a challenge for longstanding legacy systems to adapt. So, how do we meet a new generation of consumers with new demands? Brim Financial, a customer-centric, innovative fintech has tailored its credit card benefits and digital platform to compliment and reward the