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While most online entrepreneurs are familiar with SEO, some people know just how it works and how an entrepreneur can use it to drive traffic to their sites or landing pages. Today, we had a very insightful interview about SEO with digital marketing expert and a well-respected direct-response marketer, Nimrod Santo. Nimrod Santo, it’s a pleasure having you here. Is SEO still worth it today? Nimrod: SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. People go to the internet to find answers and fulfill their needs and desires. If you

It would be easy to say that there are so many people on Facebook right now that almost everyone can be found on Facebook. More than 50% of people say that they check their Facebook every day. There are a lot of people who may put their attention on Facebook but it also cannot be denied that there are so many things that can be seen on Facebook that some things will go unnoticed. Marketers should always make an effort to look into how they can market their brand and

If you own a business and you are looking to grow, one of the best ways is to apply review marketing. Review marketing is nothing but an effective way to display customers’ trust and drive revenue with reviews. A progressive business will always be looking for a continuous evaluation of the market and amend their business plan according to the feedback and the market position. Market reviews and complaints generally show an accurate picture of your product from the customer’s point of view and the market place of your business.

Thanks to the legalization of recreational marijuana in over ten states, the cannabis industry has seen booming success within the last decade. Everyone from investors to horticultural enthusiasts are cashing in on the monetary and medicinal benefits of this plant, but “making it” in the space certainly isn’t an easy gig. Because cannabis is still considered illegal on a federal level, there are seemingly endless restrictions on how cannabis vendors and producers can market and sell their products. Digital marketing is especially challenging, which poses a huge sales problem because

Going on a vacation is important for every person, family, or relationship. That’s because it’s easy to get into a routine that can leave us to feel drained or underwhelmed. Today, many understand that taking this time out is important for your well-being in both personal and professional life leading more people to take their much-needed vacations than ever. As a leader in the vacation industry, Quality Marketing Group knows how to provide the best trip for your preferences. One way that it’s been able to stay a leader in

Every year the digital marketing landscape shifts as new trends emerge that disrupt and alter it. For any business looking to stay competitive it is important to keep an eye on new trends and try to take advantage of them. To be perfectly honest there have been many trends that have either been introduced or grown by leaps and bounds throughout 2019. However the four that have had the biggest impact are: Artificial Intelligence (AI) While technically AI is not new, it is still being rapidly developed at a breakneck

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