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  Wanderlust Chicago is set to take place September 14–15, 2019 in Grant. The annual gathering of teachers, experts, musicians, and creators is a celebration of yoga. The event invites new and existing yogis to gather to get to know more about themselves and each other. Wanderlust Chicago will offer over 50 classes per day, taught by some of the biggest names in yoga. But there will also be those large group yoga and meditation practices from years past. In between classes, attendees can learn from important influencers in the

No matter how well protected your business is, disaster can still strike at any time, so it’s best to be prepared If you run a small business, coming up with a disaster recovery plan may not be your number one priority. After all, you have the day to day concerns to keep you occupied, why make more work for yourself in case of a data breach or network crash that might never happen? But it especially important for small businesses to plan for disaster, as it is small companies, with

When people consider going out to eat at a Chinese restaurant in the United States, they typically only think of two types of restaurant options. The first is a Chinese fast food restaurant, which offers extremely Americanized versions of some Asian favorites. The second is authentic Chinese restaurants. While most of these restaurants serve delicious food, they’re plagued by old stereotypes of loud, sparsely decorated eating establishments with slow service. Fortunately, this trend is starting to shift with the development of contemporary Chinese restaurants. These clean, authentically decorated restaurants offer

Social media influencing campaigns are swiftly replacing traditional marketing campaigns. Social media influencers are individuals who review and critique brands, products, and services for companies all over the world. They generate interest among social media users that translates into sales. Here are a few of the qualifications that you should seek from influencers who will represent your business. A Capacity to Increase Your Business’s Market Reach Increasing market reach is a primary goal of every social media influencer. If a candidate does not show an understanding of social media and

Halloween is the holiday when we’re able to get all dressed up, pretend to be something completely different from our normal selves, and have fun with our friends. For many, this means the donning of eye-catching, pulse-quickening costumes that make for a great night. However, not everyone feels this way, and they may feel a little self-conscious about wearing more revealing costumes than their friends are putting on or may have been lacking in confidence of late. Fortunately enough, benefits come with wearing these types of costumes. If you’ve been

Injuries are significant events, no matter which way you look at them. But one of the first questions that you should ask if some harm or damage has come to your body is if someone else caused this injury. It may have been an accident. It may have been on purpose in some instances. But if someone else is liable for your pain-and-suffering, what should you do? The answer to that can come in a few different ways. First of all, you should always gather as much information as possible

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