A Women’s Guide to Preventing Hair Loss

Hair that is thinning or falling out can really hurt your self-esteem, especially if you’re a woman. Here are the best tips and tricks for preventing hair loss that you can start doing right away.

Most women are used to having the hair from their head suddenly turn up everywhere. A little bit of loose hair here and there comes out in the shower, in bedding, and on comfy sweaters. That’s pretty normal – especially if you have thin or curly hair.

What’s not normal, though, is when your hair starts to really fall out. Instead of the occasional loose strand, women who have issues with hair loss see chunks of their hair fall out on a regular basis. It can be a bit scary, and incredibly challenging for a woman’s self-confidence.

Thankfully, such an issue can be avoided.

Here are a few tips on preventing hair loss to live by if you want to maintain your luscious, healthy hair.

1. Understand How Often to Wash Your Hair

Newsflash – it’s not healthy to wash your hair every single day. This strips your hair of its natural oils, which will either do one of two things.

Thick hair may become dense and heavy without the proper maintenance to keep it hydrated. Thin hair, on the other hand, may become even thinner without the strength it needs from natural oils and a healthy wash regimen.

Try to wash your hair every other day or even every three days. Play with things like braids and messy buns to go longer in-between washes, and find a good dry shampoo, too!

2. Quit Pulling Your Hair Back

As cute as messy buns can be, they pull on your hair much more than is necessary. The same thing happens if you wear high ponytails all the time or even tight, low buns or ponytails.

You have to let your hair breathe from time to time. Make an effort to wear a loose braid instead of a high bun. More so, find ways to tie your hair with gentle bands instead of super tight elastics.

3. Be Gentle When You Brush

It’s one thing to have a gentle hairdo and another to be gentle while you style your hair. Regardless of the look you’re trying to pull off, be careful as you’re getting ready.

It’s best to brush your hair in sections from top to bottom. Begin at the roots and work your way up, holding sections of your hair for the best care. Try not to tug at knots, rather, be patient when undoing them. If you have a particularly sensitive scalp, look into buying special brushes for more gentle hair care.

4. Stop Heat Treating All the Time

Speaking of styling your hair, consider how often you heat treat it. You can’t expect to flat iron your hair every day of the week and not have it wear out on you. This goes for curling irons and intense chemical products like hairspray, too.

It’s better to style your natural hair more often now than to have less hair to style later. Using heat every single day dries out the natural oils in the hair and makes it much weaker than it would be without flat irons and curling tools. Take a break from time to time and watch how much fuller and stronger your hair becomes.

5. Use Better Hair Products

While you’re making more of an effort to go natural instead of heat treating, you may as well cut back on the hair products you use. Actually, what’s most important in terms of hair products is quality over quantity.

You can use a whole bunch of different things if they are natural, soothing products. On the other hand, chemically-rich haircare items are best used in moderation, if at all.

Start paying attention to the labels on the back of shampoo and conditioner bottles, leave-in gels, and even frizz serums. The more natural the ingredients, the better.

Don’t be surprised to find a few preservative ingredients or a small handful of big words. But if every ingredient a chemical, you may want to think twice about using a certain hair product.

6. Invest in Restorative Treatments

Another thing to watch out for is coloring your hair over and over. When hair starts to get thinner, people try all kinds of tricks in the book to keep it looking good. Some women will even go as far as getting highlights or a whole new color to draw attention away from how thin their hair is getting.

It’s better to quit coloring your hair altogether. Then, use the money you save on those treatments to pay for restorative salon care. These include things like deep moisturizing conditioners and even laser treatments to stimulate hair growth.

Laser treatments aren’t offered at salons. You have to seek out a specialist who will offer what you’re looking for, or research innovative products like the Capillus272 Pro Laser Cap which you can try at home. Click for more info about the latter.

7. Change Your Diet

This final method of preventing hair loss is a little difficult to understand. But, there is a noteworthy relationship between the food you eat and the hair on your head.

If you don’t have a full, balanced diet, your body may start to show signs of weakness. One of these signs is hair loss. Thankfully, eating certain foods like spinach, carrots, walnuts, eggs, and Greek yogurt can help bring your hair (and overall energy levels) back to life.

More so, there are a few everyday kitchen items that are great ingredients for DIY hair masks. These include everything from olive oil to avocado and even beer! Who would have thought such basic things could create amazing hair-strengthening results to prevent hair loss?

Preventing Hair Loss Now and Later

A lot of the times, hair loss is hereditary or simply the result of aging. But, it can also be the result of significant stress levels or an intense case of malnutrition.

Whether you’re expecting it to happen because it runs in the family or you’re making lifestyle choices to bring hair loss upon yourself, there are alternatives available. Keep the tips for preventing hair loss in mind to maintain your beautiful hair and put off hair loss as long as possible.


For more beauty tips and tricks, click here!

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