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  Today’s technology continuously paves the way for industries to advance and to be more efficient for consumer use. For instance, videoconferencing has proven to be a helpful tool for many companies, including health-care institutions and facilities. Being able to communicate despite the distance has made the delivery of health-care services more efficient in many ways, yielding more favorable results and more satisfied patients. Another health-care aspect that is sure to benefit from videoconferencing is psychological therapies and addiction counseling. Dealing with drug and alcohol problems can be a difficult

We all know the serious health risks associated with smoking and if you are still a smoker today, it is likely that you are in the minority amongst your group of friends. You may also want to give up and may have had attempts to do so in the past. Some smokers are lucky enough to be able to go ‘cold turkey’ and not touch a cigarette through sheer will power, however for many, the cold turkey approach can be disheartening as it sets them up to fail. It is

Are you concerned you or a loved one I addicted to an opioid? Discover the seven most common opioid addiction signs and what you should do if you spot them. All the talk in the news about the opioid epidemic has people concerned about their friends and loved ones. With an estimated 2.1 million people suffering from opioid use disorders, it’s no small wonder. What’s often missing from those news reports is practical advice about opioid addiction. While 2 million people represent a serious problem, it’s a fairly small portion

OCD is not something new, and there have been many instances of people struggling with managing it – you may have even struggled with it yourself. All of us sometimes will struggle with obsessive worrying and thoughts, a good example being worrying that you left the front door of your house unlocked when you went out for a short stroll, or wondering if you left your stove on. However, when a person has OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, the thoughts go beyond temporary worrying and start to become all-consuming –

Gambling is very addictive. Some people engage with gambling as their hobby or have made a lucrative career out of it. Even though it is seen as a taboo and social stigma, gambling has gained a significant amount of fan following. And thanks to the advent of online gambling, people can play at online casinos at any point in time. Previously people had to visit a casino to satiate their gambling desires. But now they can play games like Poker, Roulette, and Blackjack online. The online sites host various live

Taking your relationship to the next level with someone who has just experienced alcohol or drug rehab can feel daunting. This can be especially true if they are relatively new to sober living. Understanding yourself, knowing what you can handle, and fully comprehending the reality of the recovering addict’s situation can help you decide if this relationship is truly something that you want. Here are a few useful questions to ask both yourself and your potential partner before starting a serious relationship and also some advice to keep in mind

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