5 Ways to Increase Competitiveness in the Facility Management Industry

The facility management industry is considered a broad category of business because it encompasses multiple disciplines and job functions. A facility management company provides maintenance services as well as management of tangible assets. But the scope of services provided by one facility management company can differ significantly from another. Tasks may range from simple daily maintenance to the implementation of complex systems. Given this range, the competition in the industry remains stiff. If you are envisioning business growth in the next coming years, consider the following suggestions.

  1. The company should evolve from being a passive provider to a proactive partner

If you want your facility management company to remain competitive, the priority of the business needs to move beyond deploying assets to using the workspace in a more efficient manner which will benefit all stakeholders. To accomplish this goal, the company needs to change strategies and use relevant KPIs to measure performance. Some of these measurable aspects include the speed at which knowledge is created, customer satisfaction, and employee productivity.

  1. Focus on creating value and not merely saving capital

Throughout the history of industry, many companies achieved success by cutting costs. However, now the emphasis is on creating value for stakeholders without sacrificing the quality of work rendered. Becoming a strategic partner also means investing in high-quality systems such as facilities management software which can help streamline tasks and increase efficiency.

  1. Develop and implement sustainable practices

In the facilities management industry, sustainability has become a significant issue and a substantial point for consideration. Office buildings and other physical assets managed account for a large percentage of energy use, which also means that facilities management companies have equal responsibility in finding solutions that will help reduce energy consumption, encourage recycling, reduce waste production, and minimise the overall carbon footprint of the enterprise they manage.

To remain competitive in a highly demanding industry, facility managers are forced to think of new strategies that support a framework of sustainability. Employees will need further training and knowledge on how to keep the workplace sustainable, which is one way to increase market share and boost the company’s competitiveness within the field.

  1. Optimise space

Space is costly, and since companies today are increasingly focused on virtual and mobile employees, it is essential to rethink and redesign the workplace to optimise the use of space which will dramatically lead to savings in the long run. A facility management company with the knowledge and skills related to redesigning workspaces while at the same time leveraging technology and workspace flexibility will likely experience higher demands.

  1. Take full advantage of technology

To stay competitive in the field of facility management, companies will rapidly incorporate technology in most business processes. Technology is crucial because it affects how we work, and where we do our work. Facility management companies must understand this trend and proactively act on how to better respond to these changes. Technologies used in facilities management such as Building Automation Systems are readily available to use, and it only depends on the company to properly leverage these technologies and use them to bolster their growth.

Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/management-modern-office-large-2766430/


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